Give It A Thought
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
to me. sitting here, kinda bored and very stuffed by what mom had cooked. THANZ MOM! For the great meal.
Hmm...OK, my first birthday greeting was from Robert, an e-card greeting sent on 20th December. Yup, thatz kinda early :P but itz OK :)
Erm...then the first person to greet me would be Rong @ 12:17AM followed by Drea via SMS @ 12:37AM and the Didier @ I have no idea what time. Erm...then I went to sleep...woke up and checked, Tama_Dave left a PM greeting then erm...Jeran greeted me and Shalini greeted me and called to tell me that Narnia fully booked! AHHHHH
Said perhaps we could watch it tomorrow I said alright but let me know the time first then I'd confirm with her when to meet her. Later she called again to tell me there was a 3PM movie at Plaza Singapura and I said it was fine.
Well...Jar came online and we talked for a while. He forgot my birthday but thatz alright. The only person I should be disappointed in is my sister. I saw her online but she didn't greet me NOR did she even left a simple greeting e-mail. BAH! Anyway, I was talking to Jar then suddenly, Shalini called and asked, 'Where are you now? You're still at home? The movie is at 3 you know.' I was like, 'Huh? Yeah...that tomorrow.' She said, ' is today.'
OH MY GOODNESS! All along I thought it was tomorrow and it was actually today. Good thing she called at 2PM. Went to get dressed and quickly went to PS.
Er...yeah about dinner...I sort of disected my food. Mom knows I like to eat the baby optopus which they sold it in this red sauce. Yeah...well, very full I took one and separated the head from the body. Cut the body into half to see howz it inside...nothing much. Just a little light yellowish thing then I just ate the body. Next, I cut part of the head...not directly half; just at the side and removed the outer layer to see some round ball. Could that be the brain? I don't know but I put that aside. Well...the that outer layer, I wasn't done yet coz I could see other parts of the tiny organs. I saw this tiny black ball thing and I took it out. Saw another tiny reddish thing took it out too then I ate the outer layer. I remember octopus also have ink like I thought, perhaps that black thingy will have black stuff coming out if I squished it. I ate the reddish thingy before squishing. Well...I used the back of my spoon and squished it and stuff came out. After that, I went onto that round ball and cut into half and noticed some yellow stuff looked at it and then I ate it.
It would be nice if Eric came online and we could talk. Not even sure if he remembered my birthday : ( it would be nice if he could e-mail but I guess he must be busy to even fly back. Anyway, THANZ Shalini for the movie treat...the movie was really worth it! Happy birthday to Shalini's mom too (hehehe we share the same birthday).
Nothing much to say...though there would be a person whom I wish he would greet me too apart from Eric and my sis; that person would be Frank Berendsen. He hadn't greeted me yet. Sad to say.
Last year...I'll never forget how wonderful...DHL delivery from Joost...a box full of gifts and how fun it was. I guess Joost had probably forgotten my birthday : ( too but itz OK. I'm not pissed at anyone :D it is great...NARNIA WAS AWESOME! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FREAKING DISC TO BE OUT!
Take care.
Veel plezier.
Christine. sitting here, kinda bored and very stuffed by what mom had cooked. THANZ MOM! For the great meal.
Hmm...OK, my first birthday greeting was from Robert, an e-card greeting sent on 20th December. Yup, thatz kinda early :P but itz OK :)
Erm...then the first person to greet me would be Rong @ 12:17AM followed by Drea via SMS @ 12:37AM and the Didier @ I have no idea what time. Erm...then I went to sleep...woke up and checked, Tama_Dave left a PM greeting then erm...Jeran greeted me and Shalini greeted me and called to tell me that Narnia fully booked! AHHHHH
Said perhaps we could watch it tomorrow I said alright but let me know the time first then I'd confirm with her when to meet her. Later she called again to tell me there was a 3PM movie at Plaza Singapura and I said it was fine.
Well...Jar came online and we talked for a while. He forgot my birthday but thatz alright. The only person I should be disappointed in is my sister. I saw her online but she didn't greet me NOR did she even left a simple greeting e-mail. BAH! Anyway, I was talking to Jar then suddenly, Shalini called and asked, 'Where are you now? You're still at home? The movie is at 3 you know.' I was like, 'Huh? Yeah...that tomorrow.' She said, ' is today.'
OH MY GOODNESS! All along I thought it was tomorrow and it was actually today. Good thing she called at 2PM. Went to get dressed and quickly went to PS.
Er...yeah about dinner...I sort of disected my food. Mom knows I like to eat the baby optopus which they sold it in this red sauce. Yeah...well, very full I took one and separated the head from the body. Cut the body into half to see howz it inside...nothing much. Just a little light yellowish thing then I just ate the body. Next, I cut part of the head...not directly half; just at the side and removed the outer layer to see some round ball. Could that be the brain? I don't know but I put that aside. Well...the that outer layer, I wasn't done yet coz I could see other parts of the tiny organs. I saw this tiny black ball thing and I took it out. Saw another tiny reddish thing took it out too then I ate the outer layer. I remember octopus also have ink like I thought, perhaps that black thingy will have black stuff coming out if I squished it. I ate the reddish thingy before squishing. Well...I used the back of my spoon and squished it and stuff came out. After that, I went onto that round ball and cut into half and noticed some yellow stuff looked at it and then I ate it.
It would be nice if Eric came online and we could talk. Not even sure if he remembered my birthday : ( it would be nice if he could e-mail but I guess he must be busy to even fly back. Anyway, THANZ Shalini for the movie treat...the movie was really worth it! Happy birthday to Shalini's mom too (hehehe we share the same birthday).
Nothing much to say...though there would be a person whom I wish he would greet me too apart from Eric and my sis; that person would be Frank Berendsen. He hadn't greeted me yet. Sad to say.
Last year...I'll never forget how wonderful...DHL delivery from Joost...a box full of gifts and how fun it was. I guess Joost had probably forgotten my birthday : ( too but itz OK. I'm not pissed at anyone :D it is great...NARNIA WAS AWESOME! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FREAKING DISC TO BE OUT!
Take care.
Veel plezier.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Vixen the Reindeer!
You Are Vixen |
![]() Why You're Naughty: That fur pulling spat you got into with Dancer over Santa. Why You're Nice: Because even when you're nice, you're still delightfully naughty! |
Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
Friday, December 09, 2005
Baking Day.
YAY! Going to meet Shalini at 1PM! I got my classmates to leave my home before 12PM and then went to Tanglin Mall to do some grocery shopping :D
Hmm...then went home prepared the stuffs and waited for Shalini to call. She was on her way here via taxi. When down to get her and AHHHHHHH it was SO great to see her.
Well...I forgot to purchase my Oreo cookies for the base of my cheesecake. We decided to make sweet paste base with some chocolate chips added. In fact, the cheesecake and the cookies we made we all estimation. We didn't know how to use the weighing scale because it didn't indicate the measurement. Whether was it in gm or lb et cetera.
We took soooo many pics :D Can't wait. Oh and we baked for Jeran this HUGE cookie...coz she asked, 'I want big cookie...' and Shalini was like, ' want big cookie; you will get big cookie'. She scooped up a HUGE amount of the dough with the wooden spoon and 'splat' onto the baking tray. should see in the oven...the size DAMN BIG!
Well...lotz of washing and clearing up. The girls were getting very hungry hehehehe as for me I already had my beef soup and stew. Sis' guy came over to get her stuff so I passed her Christmas present and cookies to him. Gave him a small slice of the cheesecake. It was very nice of him to offer us a lift (via taxi). We went to Wisma Atria...planning to eat at Food Republic but it was SO freaking full/packed. Thus, we decided to go to Coffee Club and there Jeran and I had the Caesar Salad set and Shalini had the Chicken Baked Macaroni :D It was soooo yummy. Yeah Pumpkin soup with garlic toast as the appetizer.
Hmm...then we talked about our primary schoolmates and secondary. We were all retrospecting and it was so fun. Looking at people and such...laughing away about so many things. Looking at a girl whose skirt was short and standing in the glass elevator. We could see her white undie. It was a good thing she wasn't wearing any G-string lol...
It was such an AWESOME day! Thanz! I can't wait for us to meet up again...hopefully anytime before 19th December. : ) Well...SAMPAN GIRLIES! Remember 19th December...DCS0705A's chalet ;) You girlies are going to come :D
Thatz about it...
Take care.
Veel plezier.
Hmm...then went home prepared the stuffs and waited for Shalini to call. She was on her way here via taxi. When down to get her and AHHHHHHH it was SO great to see her.
Well...I forgot to purchase my Oreo cookies for the base of my cheesecake. We decided to make sweet paste base with some chocolate chips added. In fact, the cheesecake and the cookies we made we all estimation. We didn't know how to use the weighing scale because it didn't indicate the measurement. Whether was it in gm or lb et cetera.
We took soooo many pics :D Can't wait. Oh and we baked for Jeran this HUGE cookie...coz she asked, 'I want big cookie...' and Shalini was like, ' want big cookie; you will get big cookie'. She scooped up a HUGE amount of the dough with the wooden spoon and 'splat' onto the baking tray. should see in the oven...the size DAMN BIG!
Well...lotz of washing and clearing up. The girls were getting very hungry hehehehe as for me I already had my beef soup and stew. Sis' guy came over to get her stuff so I passed her Christmas present and cookies to him. Gave him a small slice of the cheesecake. It was very nice of him to offer us a lift (via taxi). We went to Wisma Atria...planning to eat at Food Republic but it was SO freaking full/packed. Thus, we decided to go to Coffee Club and there Jeran and I had the Caesar Salad set and Shalini had the Chicken Baked Macaroni :D It was soooo yummy. Yeah Pumpkin soup with garlic toast as the appetizer.
Hmm...then we talked about our primary schoolmates and secondary. We were all retrospecting and it was so fun. Looking at people and such...laughing away about so many things. Looking at a girl whose skirt was short and standing in the glass elevator. We could see her white undie. It was a good thing she wasn't wearing any G-string lol...
It was such an AWESOME day! Thanz! I can't wait for us to meet up again...hopefully anytime before 19th December. : ) Well...SAMPAN GIRLIES! Remember 19th December...DCS0705A's chalet ;) You girlies are going to come :D
Thatz about it...
Take care.
Veel plezier.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Dinner & Dance
Well well well...Elizabeth, Shu Yee and I went over to me place to leave their bags and such there. Next we went to Wisma Atria because Elizabeth wanted to get a pair of pants from Project Shop Blood Brothers that cost SGD 89. Thatz freakingly not worth it thus we decided to go to Isetan to check it out.
There, Shu Yee finally got a nice sexy black tube top and Elizabeth got this similar pants that she wanted, cost only SGD 39! She saved SGD 50! Isn't that great? Well...then we met Adeline too. Jayson and I thought the same...she doesn't know how to set her priorities right. She didn't turn up for Practical Exam but for Singapore Chef Association's Dinner & Dance, she was coming. Sheesh! Terloops ik vind haar en haar gedrag niet leuk. eigenlijk denk mijn moeder hetzelfde als ik. She freaking puked into the sink! Disgusting and unsightly for those who used the lavatory. was the cleaner going to clean? ONZIN!
Hmm...returned home, the girls showered (including me) and we got changed and headed down to Orchard Hotel (yup that was where I had my prom night) to meet the others. The cab fare cost SGD 4 and yeah...I paid for it.
I wore the dress which Eric likes : ) the black flora tube dress. Erm...Anyway, met them and DAMN, they were kindof disorganised and no indication which registration tables where for what. I wanted to renew my card and to let them know that I had come for the D&D; went to the wrong table and had to queue up at another table...BAH! And other admin stuff crap shall not go into details.
Well...I was totally famish and the food banquet hadn't started but we just took the food. was really good. ALL THE FOOD WAS AWESOME! Well...ate a lot as it was like a buffet style. The guys kept drinking and drinking. MANY MANY MANY bottles. Ik haat dronkaards! They simply made a fool out of themselves. I think Jayson had lost a tooth...perhaps banged into the wall or fell?
Anyway Shu Yee, Elizabeth and I went to the lavatory to snap some pics in a cubicle. Hehehehe it was fun snapping away but we used Adeline's cam for Shu Yee's cam could work. Doubt I'd get to see those pics ever again. You got to chase her to obtain the pics...onverantwoordelijk meisje.
Hmm...when we returned one table was filled with those who sat at our table before. We were like wondering why were the three dudes there (Wei Chong, Eugene and Steven) and then Shammi signalled to us to come over. He told us that Steven was VERY drunk. Adeline said that Steven harrassed her. Gosh...he was like 'Adeline...!' and was throwing sequence at her. Shammi held him back...thanz goodness!
The D&D ended late thus I offered the girls to stay over at my place. They could sleep in my sis' room. Well we walked home...but Elizabeth could stay over for her parents didn't allow. It was like soooo late and she was tired. Kinda unreasonable parents. Anyway...she got home safe which was good...Shu Yee and Adeline showered at my place. Laid on me bed while I showed them My Life.ppt and Melbourne. Well...then storytelling for Shu Yee as I managed to read to her 15 pages of my The Sinister of Nightmares (consisted of 19 pages). I couldn't finish as I was beginning to fall asleep. Amazingly I was half unconscious and half able to read but didn't understand.
Well...Adeline went to sleep then Shu Yee. I went off to sleep minutes later. TRUT! Onredelijke meisjes, ze waren niet zoals ik "theresian" vrienden die denken voor elkaar. ze gaven mij geen plaats om te slapen in MIJN BED ik moest in een hoek gekruld slapen. een van hen duwde zelfs mijn hoofd weg. De volgende morgen waren ze nog aan het slapen als varkens.
Oh well...I had 5 hours of sleep like about 1-2 hours of it, sleeping on the couch.
I just enjoyed the GREAT food :P
Take care.
Veel plezier.
There, Shu Yee finally got a nice sexy black tube top and Elizabeth got this similar pants that she wanted, cost only SGD 39! She saved SGD 50! Isn't that great? Well...then we met Adeline too. Jayson and I thought the same...she doesn't know how to set her priorities right. She didn't turn up for Practical Exam but for Singapore Chef Association's Dinner & Dance, she was coming. Sheesh! Terloops ik vind haar en haar gedrag niet leuk. eigenlijk denk mijn moeder hetzelfde als ik. She freaking puked into the sink! Disgusting and unsightly for those who used the lavatory. was the cleaner going to clean? ONZIN!
Hmm...returned home, the girls showered (including me) and we got changed and headed down to Orchard Hotel (yup that was where I had my prom night) to meet the others. The cab fare cost SGD 4 and yeah...I paid for it.
I wore the dress which Eric likes : ) the black flora tube dress. Erm...Anyway, met them and DAMN, they were kindof disorganised and no indication which registration tables where for what. I wanted to renew my card and to let them know that I had come for the D&D; went to the wrong table and had to queue up at another table...BAH! And other admin stuff crap shall not go into details.
Well...I was totally famish and the food banquet hadn't started but we just took the food. was really good. ALL THE FOOD WAS AWESOME! Well...ate a lot as it was like a buffet style. The guys kept drinking and drinking. MANY MANY MANY bottles. Ik haat dronkaards! They simply made a fool out of themselves. I think Jayson had lost a tooth...perhaps banged into the wall or fell?
Anyway Shu Yee, Elizabeth and I went to the lavatory to snap some pics in a cubicle. Hehehehe it was fun snapping away but we used Adeline's cam for Shu Yee's cam could work. Doubt I'd get to see those pics ever again. You got to chase her to obtain the pics...onverantwoordelijk meisje.
Hmm...when we returned one table was filled with those who sat at our table before. We were like wondering why were the three dudes there (Wei Chong, Eugene and Steven) and then Shammi signalled to us to come over. He told us that Steven was VERY drunk. Adeline said that Steven harrassed her. Gosh...he was like 'Adeline...!' and was throwing sequence at her. Shammi held him back...thanz goodness!
The D&D ended late thus I offered the girls to stay over at my place. They could sleep in my sis' room. Well we walked home...but Elizabeth could stay over for her parents didn't allow. It was like soooo late and she was tired. Kinda unreasonable parents. Anyway...she got home safe which was good...Shu Yee and Adeline showered at my place. Laid on me bed while I showed them My Life.ppt and Melbourne. Well...then storytelling for Shu Yee as I managed to read to her 15 pages of my The Sinister of Nightmares (consisted of 19 pages). I couldn't finish as I was beginning to fall asleep. Amazingly I was half unconscious and half able to read but didn't understand.
Well...Adeline went to sleep then Shu Yee. I went off to sleep minutes later. TRUT! Onredelijke meisjes, ze waren niet zoals ik "theresian" vrienden die denken voor elkaar. ze gaven mij geen plaats om te slapen in MIJN BED ik moest in een hoek gekruld slapen. een van hen duwde zelfs mijn hoofd weg. De volgende morgen waren ze nog aan het slapen als varkens.
Oh well...I had 5 hours of sleep like about 1-2 hours of it, sleeping on the couch.
I just enjoyed the GREAT food :P
Take care.
Veel plezier.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Things To Do Once My Break Starts...
1. 9th December bake cake for Eric (not sure if she wants to do cookies too) with Shalini.
2. Do POC project
3. Make a ppt story for Eric based on a dragon.
4. Christmas shopping for presents
5. Make Christmas cards
6. Posting of cards and presents
7. Christmas Eve menu and cook too
I wonder what else have I forgotten :S
Veel plezier.
Take care.
2. Do POC project
3. Make a ppt story for Eric based on a dragon.
4. Christmas shopping for presents
5. Make Christmas cards
6. Posting of cards and presents
7. Christmas Eve menu and cook too
I wonder what else have I forgotten :S
Veel plezier.
Take care.