Just Redundant
1. Toothbrush and toothpaste
2. A towel
3. A small bottle of foam bath(Palmolive's Green Tea) and a small bottle of shampoo(Pantene's prevent hair fall hehehe)
4. For sleeping --> Five plain t-shirts and four boxers
5. Undies --> Eight undies and three sportsbras (thatz all I have) and maybe one black bra? (Yes, I need to buy more undies)
6. Socks --> one black pair and one white pair (Need to buy more socks)
7. Ah..yes and maybe five sanitary pads
8. My pair of jeans and other two brown pants
9. Drawstring black pants
10. Blouses --> white and brown
11. A few t-shirts and a pair of berms
12. Timberland shoes and track shoes
13. Cash
14. Chocolates for Joost's, Frank's and Eelco's
15. Presents for Joost, Frank and Eelco
16. Sweater
17. Camera
K, I don't know howz it like during December but I know it is cold, no idea how cold though. Hmm...what shall I wear on my way there? It seems like am bring the whole closet but : ) this isn't the actual list hehehe
Veel plezier.