Day 5 in MEL: BANG!
I got knocked down by a car. How did it happen? We were walking along the path way and saw the green man so we quickly cross the pedestrian crossing. It just happened; I turned and saw the red car hitting me. It hit me right leg and I sort of fell and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the road and sis ran towards me. I sat up and my legs sort of felt tingly but I was able to move them. The driver stopped and I sat by the path. Sis was shocked to see me head bleeding. I didn’t know I was bleeding that much. Another white car came and stopped. They offered to drive me to the hospital but they were nice enough to call for an ambulance and it came. The paramedics came, he attended to me, and he checked my wound on my head. He said I didn’t have to have any stitches and it was just some scratch.
The lady, who knocked me down, offered to drive us back to the apartment but we didn’t accept it coz we live nearby. We walked back and I rested. Sis took my scarf off and I saw it had a lot of blood on it. I looked into the mirror and saw my left side of the jaw was stained with blood. My turtleneck top had a little stain but when I lifted it up…YIKES! My white sport bra was like stained with a lot.
Well…it is a blessing that I’m alive and fine. No nausea and puking so I’m fine just that my wound hurts and my right leg aching at times. I couldn’t believe that I got knocked down by a car! Well…sis said I was brave, I didn’t want to cry but automatically tears just trickled down. My parents mustn’t know about this. Doesn’t it suck when I’m bleeding at the bottom (period) and now I bled on top too? Lol…
URGH…my glasses is GONE! It is broken, missing the other leg and now I got to get a new pair. You know I think that Melbourne is really unlucky for the Yeos. Ever since sis got here, she has been having problems nearly every week and when I came to visit Day1, 2, 3 and 5 I already have problems. Today is Day 5 just for your information.
I just hope by 17th June I’ll be in one piece when I return to SG.
I haven’t showered yet coz I’m afraid to see the stain. Well…I got to anyway…
I was supposed to prepare dinner today but I didn’t. Instead, sis did and it was delicious :D We had steak and she only marinated it with just salt and pepper. She also made mashed potato with some milk, salt and pepper. She made salad too, with lettuce, tomatoes, apples, ham and some lemon juice, water and sugar. Oh yeah and she fried an egg for each one of us. Yum yum…and then we had tea hehehehe. I’m lucky to have a caring sis.